Development of Safety-Critical Products:
autoConform® Methodology

How often does your team struggle with unnecessary rework?
Do your projects often involve time-consuming rework?
Are you looking for a way to structure and streamline your product development projects?
Do you want to stay on track right from the start and save time and resources?
Our answer: The autoConform® methodology provides a clear structure and orientation for every development project. Especially in system development, poorly structured work products as well as processes that are not specified specifically enough often lead to time-consuming development loops and rework. With our methodology, you set the right focus right from the start and avoid unnecessary iterations.

autoConform® Methodology
What makes the autoConform® methodology so effective?
The technical development of a product starts with subdividing the product into product architecture levels. For each level, we decide which development works are to be carried out in which order, and how these development works are documented. These decisions are incorporated into the safety plan and the project plan. Every project team member knows the project goals and the contributions expected of him or her. Our methodology includes:
"System Definition" as the very first work product
A precise system definition forms the technical basis of the entire development project. In this document "System Definition", we define all system functions and features that can be noticed from outside. We analyze the system context and define the specific interfaces to other systems and components. We also clarify the external influences to which the product will be exposed. These include not only environmental influences, but also all aspects of system interactions that become relevant later in operation.
By means of the work product "System Definition", we also ensure that all team members and departments involved in the project have the same vision of the product to be developed. This early clarity minimizes misunderstandings and ensures a smooth and goal-oriented development process.
Structured documentation
In development projects, the structuring of documents is often a stumbling block that ties up time and resources. Our methodology starts right here and ensures uniform and consistent documentation throughout the project by means of a clear structure of all documents and an iteration-minimizing sequence of document creation. All project documents are created in parallel with the development works they document, in a targeted manner and without unnecessary repetitions. This minimizes the necessary revisions and avoids unnecessary correction loops. The need for coordination amongst project contributers is reduced and work processes are accelerated. Existing gaps in the documents and inconsistencies between the documents are transparent at all times. This is extremely helpful for the continuous evaluation of the project progress and later on for the product release.
Automated quality assurance for standards-compliant work products
Compliance with standards and regulations is essential when developing safety-critical products - and can be very labor-intensive. Our methodology is based essentially on semi-automated document creation and automated checking of the documents created. This ensures a high quality of all project documents. Further advantages are:
- You can better evaluate the product quality achieved at any point in time.
- You have a good basis for audits and, towards the end of the project, for the product release.
Your Benefits
Why the autoConform® methodology changes the way you develop products:

Saving time through clear processes
Clear processes save you time because unnecessary rework and document adjustments are avoided.

Efficient use of resources
Your teams can focus on the tasks that require expert knowledge and creativity. The rest is automated.

Ensured standards-compliance
Documents with a clear structure and the right content ensure high quality and standards-compliance.

Transparency and predictability
With our methodology, all project members know the achieved maturity and what is to be done next.
Ready for the next step?
How to set up a successful collaboration:
Free, non-binding meeting, exchange of information without a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
1.Initial consultation
Free, non-binding introductory meeting, exchange of information without a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
2.Getting to know each other
Typically after signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement: Exchange of information needed to set up a specific collaboration project.
3.Project agreement
Agreement on project goals, schedule and costs.
Your contact person:
Dr. Johannes Reinschke
+49 911 25355460