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Development of Safety-Critical Products:

Lessons Learned in Projects:

12. Was sind die Voraussetzungen für Systemanalysen?

12. What are the prerequisites for system analyses?

System analyses, i.e. complexity, safety and security analyses, should be performed as early as possible in the product design process. However, certain prerequisites must be fulfilled before these analyses can be performed. Find out here what these prerequisites are.

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12. Was sind die Voraussetzungen für Systemanalysen?

11. How can I automate traceability?

Bidirectional traceability of requirements, design decisions in the V-model is required by standards on functional safety. With the help of the autoConform® methodology and software, this traceability can be established in a largely automated manner. Read more about how it works.

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Ready for the next step?

How to set up a successful collaboration:

.Non-binding meeting, exchange of information without confidentiality agreement

1.Initial consultation

Free, non-binding introductory meeting, exchange of information without a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

2.Getting to know each other

Typically after signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement: Exchange of information needed to set up a specific collaboration project.

3.Project agreement

Agreement on project goals, schedule and costs.

Your contact person:

Dr. Johannes Reinschke
+49 911 25355460
