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Prerequisites for acquiring and using the autoConform® Software Suite

Organisational Prerequisites

Customers interested in acquiring and using the autoConform® Software Suite may have to adapt their internal system development processes in order to be able to exploit fully the quality-improving and time-saving potentials of the autoConform® Software Suite.

The best way to get to know us and our autoConform® Software Suite is to let us participate in one of your system development projects via an engineering work contract. As a result of such a collaboration, you will not only receive the engineering works specified in the contract. You will also learn

  • whether or not your internal system development process is suited, or can be made suited, for the autoConform® Software Suite, and
  • which savings potential the autoConform® Software Suite has for your organisation.

Therefore, we only offer the autoConform® Software Suite to customers with whom we had successfully collaborated in a previous system development project.

A general organisational prerequisite for using the autoConform® Software Suite is a willingness to develop and maintain a Simulink® system model throughout the entire system development project. In addition, a priority shift from the more restricted task of

  • system and software architecture modelling 

to the more general task of

  • system and software function development

may be necessary.

Technically Prerequisites

  • Basic MATLAB® and Simulink® by The MathWorks®, Inc., Release 2016b or later.
  • Microsoft® Excel® 2007 or later, VBA must be permitted.
  • Document Management System with Excel® Import and Export.

Industrial Sectors Targeted by the autoConform® Software Suite

The autoConform® Software Suite targets all industries which develop and produce systems. These industries include:

  • automotive,
  • avionics,
  • energy,
  • manufacturing, and
  • medical.

The autoConform® Software Suite is built on standards*

Systems and Software Engineering

Functional Safety Engineering and Safety Analyses

  • IEC 61508 (2010) – Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems

* Only selected standards listed.

Development and Maintenance of the autoConform® Software Suite

The functionality of the autoConform® Software is constantly being extended according to customer needs.

In particular, document templates will be adjusted if

  • requested by customers, or
  • underlying standards have changed.

Custom changes of the autoConform® Software Suite may also be requested.